We have been experimenting on close planting of native trees for future furniture. The miyawaki method of planting at high density is a way of creating a packed pioneer forest of hazel, alder, oak, field maple, birch and gean amongst others on poor ground. Fingers crossed !
We've been planting up more willow varieties to use on our furniture, basket making and garden structure courses. We're creating a tiny orchard inside newly laid hedges with medieval clay and willow beehives. So the new ground holds loads of future promise and a space where we can learn and show others how to achieve quick return for small wooden products. A woodland that stays is a woodland that pays !
2025 courses are filling up fast again ... just saying ! Big Tree Hugs everybody, have a great festive ! Best wishes - Eoin
[email protected]
A big thanks to Innes Watson for allowing me to use his music in all these short videos. You will discover more here